What does Black History Month mean to you?
Black History Month has more significance this year than it probably ever has for me, just with the climate of the country and the recent historic events. In the past I was always one that felt a little slighted by having the shortest month in the year be the one that was chosen to celebrate the great accomplishments of our people, but I've let go of that bitterness. It's an incredible time to be African American and reflect on the many things that our ancestors were able to achieve, even while the odds were stacked against them. It's a humbling and sobering time, because I really can't imagine what it was to live through some of the challenges that they faced. Oftentimes we take for granted what we have, without acknowledging the sacrifices that were made by those that came before us. So, Black History Month means a time of celebration, reflection and appreciation for me.
February is also the month of LOVE. How do you incorporate the L-word in your work?
Every one of my stories are rooted in love. As a matter of fact, on most occasions, the decisions we make in life are based around love of some sort. For some it's the love of money or some form of material item. For others it's the love of the opposite sex, or just being in love with the concept of being loved. So, when I write, I try to make the reader understand each of my character's motives. No two people love the same, and rarely do we think the same. An outsider may question someone who stays in an abusive relationship, wondering why they would allow themselves to be treated like that. Undoubtedly, love plays a big role in their decision making, even if it's a lack of love for self. I write from the inside out, so you understand a character's motivation whether or not you share their beliefs.
What's new for you in 2009? Where can readers purchase your latest work?
My next book that I will release is called The Barack in Me, which is a motivational novel for my young African American males. I'm really excited about that project and the opportunity to reach back and pull others forward. Nan: The Trifecta is my fourth fiction based novel that I'm currently working on as well. Readers can purchase my books at most bookstores and every online outlet from Amazon.com to Target. If you don't see them in your favorite bookstore, just ask. Most distributors carry them, so they can order them easy enough. Also, visit MindCandyMedia.com for details on each of my works, to place orders or to book me for a book club meeting or speaking engagement.
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